If you are looking for a well-established and easy-to-run business, you cannot miss this store for sale in a busy complex of Playa Paraiso. The store sells quality suitcases and handbags from high fashion brands. The business shows a healthy income and a high profit on bags.
The premises are spacious 170 m2 combining 2 locals, where 1 is for convenience products and the other 1 is displaying the bags, belts, and shoes. The store is fully equipped with shelves, displays, and cashier, so no refurb is needed. Moreover, is a blind covered terrace with products as well.
Clothes Shop for sale in Playa Paraiso
For sale
The property was added on 2/18/2020 6:53:04 PM.FormatDate()
Property details
Playa Paraiso, Tenerife
Clothes Shop

Ref: 2315
170m2 build
First listed on
Ref: 2315
Approx. £104,375
Contact FRINA Tenerife SL - Business Sales
About the area
Translated as 'the wild coast', Callao Salvaje is a small coastal town and holiday resort in the district of Adeje on the West coast of Tenerife.